How to Subscribe to the Club's SCSCCHelp Support Forum

We encourage all of our members to join the club's support forum. You don't have to have a vast knowledge of computers to be a member of this group. Our mission is to help each other with computer problems. As a subscriber you don't have to be an active participant. If you have a solution to someone's call for help, that's great. However, you can choose to remain in the background and eavesdrop - that's called lurking. You'd be surprised how much information you can gather by just lurking.

After reading the following instructions, if you are still unsure as how to sign up, contact list administrator Tom Burt ( and he will help you through the process.

If you are not yet a member and would like to join, do the following:

  1. Copy the following hyperlink to the TO: field of a new, empty e-mail message:

  2. SEND this blank message.

This message is then sent to Groups.IO which in turn sends an email to you asking that you reply to confirm that you indeed wanted to join the group. Upon receiving your confirmation, your request to join is then sent to the SCSCCHelp Administrator. The Administrator then checks the email address you have submitted via your message to ensure that you are a current member of the Computer Club. Upon verification, the request is approved. You will receive a final confirmation email message.

Be sure to send your subscribe request from the same email address that you indicated on your application to join the Club. In the future, if you change your email address, please notify the club's Membership Chair, so that the Club's database can be updated.

Once you become a subscriber, you will automatically receive email messages as they are posted to the group. If you don't check your email very often you might find a large number of messages in your inbox when you do launch your email program. You can determine how you receive messages using the following procedure.

Your login ID to the Groups.IO website is your subscriber email address. Your password is unset by default. When you first try to login, Groups.IO will send you an email with a link to use to log in. Once logged in you can edit your preferences and profile settings, including setting a password. You will find an Account link in the dropdown with your name or email at the upper right of the page. Click that link to go to a page with various settings, including Login. When you have finished making your edits click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Click the Groups.IO button to the upper left to see a list of groups your email is subscribed to. Click on one of the group links to see a page with choices in a pane the left. Click the Subscription link to see a page with settings for choice of email delivery. There are six options, each with a short explanation next to it. Click the radio button next to the one you prefer. When you have finished making your choices click the Save button at the bottom of the page. That's all there is to it. If you change your mind on the selections you've made, for a particular group, just click on the Subscription link and make any necessary adjustments.

To post a message to the group, send an email (from the email you're subscribed under) to: It will be routed to all current subscribers to the group.